Edion蔦屋家電 in 広島 5/30まで

We are exhibiting on the 1st floor of Hiroshima Edion Tsutaya Electrics until May 30th!

Target products: 7 types of hand cream, face serum, face cream

Edion Tsutaya Electrics is a home appliance store where you can enjoy a comfortable time and make new discoveries.

We are exhibiting in Hiroshima.

The location is on the 1st floor, the "Self-improvement" communication and beauty floor .

Due to space limitations, we only stock the above items,

If you're curious about the scent of hand cream, please stop by Hiroshima!

Please contact us by phone to inquire about stock availability, etc.


EDION Tsutaya Electrics Hiroshima Prefecture Hiroshima City Minami-ku Matsubara-cho 3-1-1 EKICITY HIROSHIMA 1st to 3rd floors

TEL 082-264-6511