Sold by: Edinburgh Natural Skincare
Representative: Yukari Sakurai
Location: Edinburgh Natural Skincare, 107-0061, Tokyo, Minato-ku, Kita-Aoyama, Inose Building 2F, Japan
Phone number: 050-8882-9337
Email address:
Sales price: See product page
Required fees other than the product price: Shipping fee
Payment methods: Credit card payment, smartphone payment, convenience store payment, bank transfer
Product delivery time: Shipped within 2-3 business days
Delivery method: Mail
Regarding returns, defective products, and cancellations: We will only exchange products in the case of "misdelivered products," "damaged products," or "defective products." Please note that we do not accept returns or exchanges for other reasons or due to customer convenience.
Return Policy: Please contact us by phone or email within 5 business days of receiving the product.